Sunday, August 15, 2021

Look like a snake springing up?

 Look Like a snake springing up?



A macro lens can zoom to the object and give you some imagination.

Shot with Smartphone and a Macro Lens Set.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

iPhone Photography with 37 & 67mm thread lens and more.

Do you know, we can expand your iPhone to 37mm Thread Lens and 67mm thread Lens?

It is easy.

For example, this iPhone cover, it is dedicated for DCKina Lens.

You can add a 37mm Thread Adapter, making it fits for any standard 37mm thread lens:

it looks like this:



Detail: DCKina

Indeed, you can have all the lenses with your iPhone as long you wish, just have a ring on the 37mm adapter

here you can find all the rings:

37-58mm Step-Up Adapter Ring (37MM Thread Lens to 58mm Thread Step-Up Ring) |

or check this video:
