Thursday, February 4, 2021

How can I capture amazing macro photos?


It is not that difficult!

Macro Picture to blur the background, shorten the focus and producing images of small items.

Anything can be the subject of macro photography, anyone can be a macro photography and anywhere is your stage!

It is not that difficult to start with, just have a smartphone, then a macro lens and your patience any maybe your creativity too! Indeed, creativity is important but with no creativity, you can also shot great macro photos!

Here we show you our the pictures we used our hands (means no equipment, tools used with), and our smartphones (mostly iPhone) and a macro lens.

Now, we are using this macro lens:

It can used on an iPhone cover:

or a clip: 

Anyway will be great!

with these tools, then find out the things you are interested.

Say, insects, your skin, hair, feathers, snowflakes... 

then these things are almost the lowest quality you will take.

or even a video:



We have more pictures at our instagram:

if you are interested, you may click HD Macro Lensto find the products out!

Product SKU: DCK006201


Tuesday, February 2, 2021

The best microscope for iPhone and Smartphone?


Yes, we are talking the 30X Microscope Lens for a crown above. or the one below:

Because it turns your smartphone or iPhone to a microscope and very easy to make it!

Just have a custom cover

or a custom clip, then that’s it!










As long as you put the lens to the object, your smartphone is a discovery channel! 

It is probably the king or queen as a portable microscope for smartphones, am I right?

To learn more:

Click the link here.

Or Google:
SKU: DCK004605

Sample picture:

Sample video:

Sunday, January 31, 2021

There is really a lens dedicated for Landscape Photography!

It is perfect for shooting pictures of the blue sky, blue sea, flowers, bugs....

Additionally, it is a FULL FRAME Wide Angle Lens too, perfect for selfie.

It can be mounted on our custom phone cover / phone case or multi types of mobile photography clips.

We have custom cover for iPhone as well as universal clip for any other smartphones.

SKU: DCK005591

Photo by thanhhoa tran from Pexels


                            Long-Clip EF18mm Landscape HD Super Wide Angle Lens for iPhone & Smartphones

There is really a lens dedicated for Landscape Photography!

Yes, it is a Super Wide Angle Lens with a +4 diopter which fits over the Housing Cover / Clip and can be installed and removed during the course of the use.

SKU: DCK005591
Product link

Photo by thanhhoa tran from Pexels

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

How cool will be a custom Portrait Lens for your iPhone?

Yet it is tricky that nowaday that many cameras and smartphones that will come with built-in telephoto lens for zooming in, why there is a need for a tele lens for portrait photography? It becomes more tricky that the lens just get slightly more than 2X (less than 3X) zoom power!


The reason is that this portrait lens that can help you have the right focal length and aperture to take exceptional portrait photos.

In additions, when there is a visit to someone, the iPhone built-in lens with no zoom may make the subject looks a little bit too far. When you post the video to the social networks, your subject will just looks a tiny figure in the screen, it is especially true that a lot of people just use their smartphones to access the networks. 

A Portrait Lens definitely will greatly improve such situations! This is an optical zoom lens that lets you keep certain physical distance to your guest and at the same time keep your guest with a moderately wide maximum aperture for great low-light performance and a shallow depth-of-field.



Product SKU: DCK005900
Link: Photo by Orione Conceição and wendel moretti from Pexels

